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Whoopie Pie Waddle II – 5K Registration
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Platinum Sponsor – $5,000
- Catered luncheon for up to 20 people
- Logo/name on website and all event marketing materials
- Event table
- Name on T-shirts
- Banner & signage at the event
- Top-tier advertising, including business website links
- Four complimentary race entries
Gold Sponsor – $1,000
- $50 gift card to Joey’s Deli
- Name on T-shirts
- Name on event banner
- Event signage
- Recognition on social media
- Tier 2 advertising (smaller logo/names on banners, shirts, and signage)
- Two complimentary race entries
Silver Sponsor – $500
- $45 gift card to Joey’s Deli
- Name/logo on T-shirts
- Name on event banner
- Event table
- Recognition on social media
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